7th February 2020 by Rachel Wallhouse

Your Vote Made The Difference! 
Here at The Whalley Wine Shop we would like to thank every single one of you who voted for us at The People’s Choice Wine Awards! We wouldn’t be here without you, so thank you. We’d love to tell you all about the awards ceremony, which Matt and Rachel attended in Manchester, and share our story with you.

You might have seen for the past couple of months, we have been sending out emails and posting on social media asking you to vote for us. You are truly amazing, because we won Best Independent Retailer Of The Year at The People’s Choice Wine Awards. Your vote made the difference, so we want to take this time to thank every single one of you. Thank you.

The People’s Choice Wine Awards gives you the opportunity to vote for the wines and retailers you love and means you are at the heart of the process, rather than being disengaged from it. This really helps us understand what you want. So thank you for taking the time to vote, it means the world to us.

The awards, held at the Comedy Store, Manchester, were presented by Kate Goodman and Amelia Singer, both Wine TV presenters. Matt (Retail Manager) and Rachel (Marketing Manager) both attended the awards ceremony in Manchester on Monday and said:
“We’d like to thank every single one of you who took the time and voted for us. Without you, we wouldn’t be here today, so thank you! Our prize, which already has a place on the wall in the shop, is a treasured individual cartoon by award-winning cartoonist and wine fan, Tony Husband”. (Why not pop down and check it out for yourself!)

Global sensation, Joe Fattorini, joined the People’s Choice Wine Awards ceremony. The Wine Show presenter, wine communicator and all-round nice guy was at the ceremony to present the awards. Joe Fattorini, presenter of The Wine Show, commented “I’m another delighted customer”.





Why not pop down to The Whalley Wine Shop and check out the award. We’d love to thank you in person and tell you all about the awards. This weekend only we’ll have Champagne open at just £7 a glass!