Tues-Sat 10:30am - 8pm / Sun 10:30am - 6pm
01254 822581
7th February 2025 by Nick Hoyle
Over the Christmas period I had the misfortune to watch “The Da Vinci Code”. The film contained this outrageous character called Silas, a mad murderous monk. After each of his wild transgressions he sought atonement for his sins through self flagellation. This got me thinking; after Christmas we all channel our inner Silas a bit and although we don’t self flagellate (hopefully!) we do focus on a bit of correction with things such as “dry January “ and joining the…
3rd June 2020 by Rachel Wallhouse
*Flash Gin Sale!* Enjoy 10% OFF ANY GIN!! We are having an impromptu flash sale on all of our gins with massive savings to be had! But hurry, a ...
2nd June 2020 by Rachel Wallhouse
Last week we announced that we’ve teamed up with The Wine Merchant Magazine and Hatch Mansfield to thank local heroes during Covid-19. We are gi ...
28th May 2020 by Rachel Wallhouse
During the challenging Covid-19 siuation there are hidden ‘Covid Heroes’ going the extra mile within our community. We want to celebrate t ...
27th May 2020 by Rachel Wallhouse
This week’s “Wednesday night sausage wine” is a real crowd pleaser – the super value Mesta Tempranillo from Castilla-La Mancha. This week’s Wednesday ...
22nd May 2020 by Rachel Wallhouse
On Saturday we were delighted to see Toms wine article featured in the Daily Express. Our wines are popping up in the press more often, which we love ...
16th May 2020 by Rachel Wallhouse
To celebrate the arrival of the new vintage of Chase Rose we are giving you a chance to win a MAGNUM worth £40! For every case of Chase Rose bought ge ...
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